#1 - March 14, 2023 - 2:00PM (France)
With Dale Squires, Program Lead, Economics and Social Science, NOAA :
"Sharing the benefits from the global commons: deep-seabed mining."
Benefits from the global commons, including from vaccines and deep-seabed, celestial, fishing, genetics, atmospheric, and polar resources, require sharing, but how? Benefits distributed through international organizations require distributive justice to achieve the requisite multilateral cooperation. We define and quantify local distributive justice for deep-seabed mining royalty distribution rules incorporating fairness, equity principles, and ‘Equality of What’ through equality of outcome and opportunity, with implications for global collective action through international organizations. We implement the Common Heritage of Mankind, an ethical concept and international law principle, for global collective action with transnational public goods and common resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction collectively owned by humanity.
Please see the webpage of the webinar : https://www.umr-amure.fr/recherche/axe-b/#webinar-blue-justice