#2 - March 15, 2023 - 2:00PM (France)
With Dale Squires, NOAA :
"Ethical Preferences for Global Collective Action: Evidence from the United Nations."
Treaty-based international organizations conduct much of the collective action managing the global commons of transnational public goods and common resources. International treaties and organizations require ethical preferences for inequality aversion for equitable policy and treaty design and impacts. International law requires State, not individual, ethical preferences for equitable global collective action through these treaties and organizations. State revealed ethical preferences establish focal points for negotiated stated preferences. Estimated revealed ethical preferences for relative inequality aversion from the United Nations regular budget scale of assessments, given by the elasticity of social marginal utility of consumption, show fair bargain and global commons’ additive logarithmic social welfare function.
Website : https://www.umr-amure.fr/recherche/axe-b/#webinar-blue-justice
Registration : https://forms.gle/iZzPatCo9gbPMjhB6